Yudina A.V. 1
Gavrilov G.N. 1
1 Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseev
Cold upsetion process is a high performance production of billets in mechanical engineering. In mass blank production rigging for the cold upsetion is made from high-speed steels, and the issue of increasing their resistance is important. A promising method for increase of firmness rigging is laser surface treatment. In this paper we consider the Influence of modes of laser heat treatment on the properties of high-speed steels their microstructure and hardness and durability to ensure upsetion punches on the basis of data on the distribution of microhardness depth of the hardened zone. The analysis of the microstructure and mechanical properties of steel R6M5 on samples treated with radiation gas CO2 laser from the data set to the optimal regime of laser surface treatment that meets the conditions of high wear resistance surface.
upsetion punches
Laser heat treatment