Scientific journal
European Student Scientific Journal
ISSN 2310-3094


Denisova E.V. 1
1 Tula Leo Tolstoy State Pedagogical University
The article analyzes specific features of skazkoterapiya as a method of psychological influence, its place and a role of the practical psychologist activity with children. Views and ideas of known skazkotherapists are considered there. The author presents the results of own research to identify distinct problems of children at school, and for an example, considers one of the possible fairy tales that can be used to actively work with the children. The author´s position is that skazkoterapiya is a universal method of work of the practical psychologist as it can be used to work with various categories of people and their personal problems.
the universal method.
the adolescent age
the educational means
the skazkoterapiya
the fairy tale