Suicidal behavior is a manifestation of suicidal activity and includes suicidal intentions, thoughts, threats, as well as suicidal attempts. It is customary to distinguish between affective, true and demonstratively blackmail suicidal behavior. Under affective suicidal behavior meant suicidal action that has occurred as a result of e passion that arose as a result of his sudden acute traumatic event.
Demonstrative blackmail suicidal behavior is a conscious manipulation of life - threatening actions by the individual while maintaining for him the high value of his own life in order to change the conflict situation in a favorable direction. In true suicidal behavior, the desire to deprive oneself of life is not only deliberate, but also often planned in advance.
In the presented article the theme of adolescent suicide will be considered. According to the total number of suicides, Russia is in fourth place in the world, after India, the USA and China. This topic is one of the most taboo in modern society, but this does not exclude the importance of its discussion. The detailed study of the dangers of adolescent suicide was influenced by the increasing death rate among adolescents every year when trying to commit suicide.
According to the WHO, in 2014 there were 1094 suicide attempts (693 of them were fatal) and 1633 in 2018, 737 of which resulted in death. “For every 40 seconds all over the world, someone is trying to commit suicide and about 800 thousand people die every year as a result of suicide. In 2012, suicide was the second leading cause of death among young people aged 15-29. ” [1]
It is believed that the desire of a teenager to commit suicide is greatly influenced by the media. In recent years, it was the mass media that began to widely cover the so-called “death groups” and the “Columbine” groups. There is a kind of shift of focus from suicide to murder, which is often associated with the growth of attacks in educational institutions.
So what can really push a teenager to take such a desperate step? Statistically, there are more than 800 causes of suicide, of which 19% were due to fear and of punishment for misconduct, 18% as a result of mental illness, including depression, 18% bound to negative intrafamilial psychological climate, 6% are the result of affect, and 39% of the reasons remain unknown.
It is important to note that the reasons for committing suicide in adults and adolescents vary greatly: in adults it is mainly domestic factors and socio-economic stressors, in adolescents these are processes related to interfamily relationships, communication with peers and with the opposite sex, other In words, the cause of suicide among adolescents is a lack of understanding by others and a tactless attitude towards them.
G.Sayr identified 4 main groups of causes leading to suicide:
- Hopelessness, when the future looks bleak and hopeless;
- Helplessness in which a person feels unable to control their own lives;
- Insulation, implying a feeling of loneliness and detachment from others ;
- feeling of own insignificance, including low self-esteem, self-doubt and t.d. [7]
S.V. Borodin and A.S. Mikhlin identified the main groups of suicidal motives:
- Personal and family motives ( within family conflicts, sexual inconsistency, unsuccessful love, loneliness, insults from others, illness or death of loved ones);
- Health condition I (mental and somatic diseases, deformities);
- Conflicts related to antisocial behavior (fear of criminal liability and other types of punishment);
- Conflicts related to study or work;
- Material and domestic difficulties;
- Other motives. [4]
Adolescents who commit suicide attempts are for the most part representatives of demonstrative blackmailing suicidal behavior. The overwhelming number of attempts to commit suicide are committed "in spite of others." The thought dominates in their consciousness: “when I do not become, you will understand what you have done”. This is because children do not have clear ideas about life and death, believing that by hurting themselves it will be possible to “wind off” time ago and everything will be fine. However, a large number of attempts to commit suicide end in disability and do not always lead to death.
Few people know that there is no one hundred percent way to commit suicide. Stories are known when a person could fall from the 20th floor and survive; inject poisonous substance into the vein and remain without a hand; swallow pills and cause irreparable damage to the whole body and so on. But the main thing here is not that after a suicide attempt it is possible to survive, but the fact that, always by hurting ourselves, we cause irreparable harm to our body and condemn the suffering of our loved ones.
According to many authors (Khasminsky M.I., Zakharov A.I. , Podlas I.P. and others ), the main means of preventing suicidal behavior is psycho-prophylactic work aimed at young people aware of the tragic consequences of suicide. It is important to understand that injuring a person does not solve the problem, but only aggravates it.
In this situation, it is customary to work with the suicide himself, but it is important to work with his environment, which can push him and provoke him to act.
Punishing the body itself and injuring it - the person does not solve the problem, but only aggravates it, continuing to live in a contradictory psychophysiological state, thereby complicating its relationship with others and limiting the possibilities of self-realization due to the deterministic attitude of others around it as a subject who attempted suicide .
Библиографическая ссылка
Ткачева Е.В. ПОДРОСТКОВЫЙ СУИЦИД: ПРИЧИНЫ И ПОСЛЕДСТВИЯ // European Student Scientific Journal. – 2019. – № 3. ;URL: (дата обращения: 19.02.2025).