Электронный научный журнал
European Student Scientific Journal
ISSN 2310-3094


Шамитова Е.Н. 1 Виноградова А.А. 1 Мясникова И.А. 1
1 ФГБОУ ВО «Чувашский государственный университет имени И.Н. Ульянова»
В работе обсуждается микроспория - одно из самых распространенных заболеваний, для которого характерно длительное течение без проявлением видимых признаков. Микроспория – грибковое заболевание, при котором поражаются кожа и волосы, а в исключительно редких случаях и ногтевые пластинки. Возбудителем микроспории является плесневый грибок рода Microsporum, который паразитирует в ороговевших субстратах. Подавляющее большинство всех микроспорий в России вызывает M. сanis. Отмечается сезонность заболеваемости микроспорией - в теплый период наблюдается резкий подъем. Степень способности заражать организм у микроспории низкая, а потому при своевременном мытье рук даже обсемененных спорами, заболевание не наступает. Профилактика микроспории заключается в своевременном выявлении и лечении больных. Основная масса заболевших – дети, так как они в большей степени контактируют с переносчиками заболевания. При проведении ретроспективного анализа заболеваемости микроспорией в Советском районе республики Марий Эл за 2015-2017 года, было выяснено, что произошло небольшое увеличение числа заболевших к 2017 году. Следовательно, необходимо принимать меры, чтобы снизить данный показатель и не допустить подъема. Для этого, стоит поддерживать сотрудничество дерматовенерологической и ветеринарной служб.
ретроспективный анализ
1. Sergeev A.U, Sergeev U.V. Fungal infection. A guide for physicians. М:Binom –Press 2003.
2. Medvedeva T. V., Leina L. М., Bogomolova Т. S., Chilina G. А. Microsporia: etiology, epidemiology, clinic, approaches to therapy. Russian journal of skin and venereal diseases 2007;4:54–57.
3. Rykavishnikova V.М. Modern features of the clinic and treatment of microsporia. Attending physician 2001;4:8-12.
4. Shelkunova О.А. Reshetnikova Т.B. The scientific article "Modern clinical and epidemiological features of trichophytosis and microsporia»
5. Tihonovskaya I. V., Аdaskevich V. P., Shaphranskaya Т.V. Microsporia in children: clinic, diagnostics, treatment. Recipe 2006;3:72-74
6. Moskvitina E.N, Fedorova L.V, Mukomolova T.V, Shiryaev V.V. Atlas pathogens fungal infections. «GEOTAR-Media», 2017; 32-35.

The has been unfavorable epidemiological situation that continues to be for a long time and it is connected with microspore disease. Microspore is a fungus disease when your the skin and hair and rare cases nail lamina, are affected . Pathogen of microspore is grown musty fungus of Microsporum type that parasitizes in certificates substrata. The majority of them more than 95% of all microspores in Russia causes M. canis. The infection is carried by contact or through the twinges that are affected by spore seeds of this fungus. [6] Children, at the age 5-10 years are more ill with microspore and the disease among the boys is five time higher than among girls. Adults are seldom ill with microspore. In case of infection of this disease it is practically cured by itself because of the organic acidities that are in hair, which put down the growth of mycelium. The pathogen of microspore gets into an organism through the micro injuries of skin, having shadiness because healthy skin without injuries is not accessible for fungus. [5] Microspores has low grade of captivity to infect an organism. That is why you wash your hands very often even if they have seeds of spores on them, the disease does not start. On the skin, the fungus infect it and start reproducing new spores. Having got being near the hair bulbs, spores of the fungus sprout leading to the infection of the hair. Spreading very fast on the surface of the hair, the fungus breaks cuticle, where between the fish-scales the spores gather. So, the fungus circles the hair, forming a cover and fills the bulb hair very closely. Microspore is the most spreading fungal infection, not counting the fungus of feet [1,2]. It is a difficult medical social problem, because the disease is widespread, especially among children and adolescents.
The ability of carrying the disease from sick people or animals to healthy people, continuous treatment and, in fact the economic damage make this problem more urgent. There is not a proper approach to take place anti-epidemic events, leading to show the in infected and to treatment of animals who are the carriers of the microspore in many regions of the Russian Federation.
For the last decades this disease has been diagnosed more difficult because it characterizes by a clinic pathomorphism that leads to the fact that patients come to treat to the hospital at the latest stages.

We have conducted epidemiological retrospective analysis of the epidemic process of microspores for 2015-2017 in Soviet region of the Republic of Mari El, using statistical report forms "Medical services et the population in Sovietskiy region, the analysis of the work dermatological venereal service of our region from 2015-2017."
Looking at the dynamics of the number of newly registered infected people with microspore people for a 3-year period on 10 000 people it is determined that there is an increase of new appeared patients with microspore in 2017. There is a statistics on with the number of infected microspore people that is in a table 1.

Table 1

The number of infected with microspore people in 2015-2017.



2016 г.

2017 г.

The total number: Sovetskiy region of RME




The index on 10 000 people in Sovetskiy region of RME





Calculating the number of people infected with microspore it is known that during 3 years of experiment, this disease has greatly increased. 52 % in all cases it is the microspore of the hair part of the head. All people who are suspected of microspore doctors take necessary analyses to see if there is a disease or not. Dermatoscopy and microspore are conducted from the taken sp. scrape. With the microspore of the hair all patients are sent to the stationary treatment in mycologic department of the Republic Skin Venereal department. With the microspore of the smooth skin infected people are treated out – patient treatment in the skin venereal study. It is known that in 2015-2017 among sick people with microspore, 95% of all the infected ones , are children under 14. It is connected with the fact that children often play with homeless dogs and cats, the number of which is increasing from year to year. This index shows that the events in the region and disease-prevention vet service are conducted not very effectively. All children with microspore are in detention from schools and nursery schools during their treatment. Sick people with this mycosis are being calculated in health center for the prevention and treatment of disease in a skin venereal study for 3 months. To be taken off the calculation they must have analyses with negative results with the intervals of 10 days. Adults are ill very rarely, in most cases they are young women. It is rare disease of microspore among adults, especially with the infection of hair part of the head and usually coming independent treatment with the beginning of teenage period is explained with having organic acidities in the hair of adults which reduce the growth of the fungus.

There is a seasonal disease of microspore – in a warm period we can see a big increase. Portably it connected with the fact that children are on holidays in the country where they contact with animals more who are the carriers of the infection. An increase of microspore disease during e autumn months is because infected children who came back from their holidays contact with the members of their families and with the children in schools and kindergartens [5].

Preventing measures of microspore are in discovering and treatment of sick peoples in proper time. There is an improvement in prophylaxis work among contacted persons. So, in 2015, only 62 people were examined, in 2017 this index increases till 198 people. There is explanting work among population. The dermatology-venereology doctor comes with the discussion of prophylaxis of microspore on parents' meetings in schools and in the kindergartens. Every year the topic of this disease is touched upon on doctors and medical attendant is conferences.

So, it is determined that the level of disease on 10 000 people in Sovietskiy region of the Republic of Mari El for the examined period is at same level. But, nevertheless, it is worth supporting the cooperation with dermatological venereal and vet services to reduce the level of microspore disease and not to access its growth.

Библиографическая ссылка

URL: https://sjes.esrae.ru/ru/article/view?id=426 (дата обращения: 03.07.2024).

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