Scientific journal
European Student Scientific Journal
ISSN 2310-3094


Lovdar Yu.A. 1
1 Dzerzhinsky Polytechnic Institute, Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseev, (606023, Nizhegorodskaya obl., Dzerzhinsk, b. World, 21, Department of «Automation and information systems»), e-mail:
The article deals with the definition of intelligent sensors, the device of their intelligence - the microprocessor. Is a principle of the sensors, their block diagram storage capabilities and features of their operation and benefits of using these sensors in the industrial automation, namely, automated process control systems. It also shows examples of specific Russian pressure sensors developed by an industry group «Metran» (Emerson Process Management), different year of manufacture ( Metran -100 and Metran- 150). After analyzing the characteristics of these sensors, the sensors have identified a series of shortcomings Metran -100 and the causes of the Russian market of new sensors Metran -150 series, which takes into account shortcomings of previous sensors, thus showing a trend of the development of smart sensors. Also examined the function and types of the above sensors, structural diagrams, their measuring unit in a different version.
smart sensors
microprocessor; pressure.