Scientific journal
European Student Scientific Journal
ISSN 2310-3094


Shavronskaya V.O. 1
1 Moscow State University of Railway Engineering (MIIT)
The problem of the formation of computer addiction in adolescents , according to foreign and domestic scientists , is a topical and socially relevant . This article is devoted to the problem of computer addiction among youth. Computer addiction - addiction in activities related to computer use, leading to a sharp reduction in all other activities, limit contact with other people. Nowadays, many people can not stop using their own computer, even for a short time. This problem is especially acute for children and young people. The article provides a link between the residence time at the computer and the mass of the body and determine the nature of this relationship. The article assesses the presence of the relationship between residence time at the computer and body weight. The more people spend time on the computer, the more it affects his body weight. In this case, lack of exercise or a complete lack of will exacerbate this fact.
weight .
computer addiction