Blinova V.E. 1
Karmazina E.L. 2
The object of reconstruction and restoration in this work is the building of the Imperial garage located in the city of St. Petersburg (Pushkin Academic Prospect,. 6a). In 1913, architect AK Minyaeva next to the existing buildings were erected building garage storage imperial cars. After 50s garage was transferred to the balance of the St. Petersburg State Agrarian University, and until now it housed shops SPbGAU mechanical department. In July 2014 the building was inspected and froze students of Nizhny Novgorod Architectural University. Based on the materials we performed the project of reconstruction and restoration of the Royal garage. The project reconstructed building of the educational building transformed into a modern museum of vintage cars. The main objective is the preservation of the historical style of the Imperial is a garage and underline the unique design of the glass lantern. All the plans and elevations of the garage were performed on measured drawings made by us on a field in the city of St. Petersburg.Keywords: Reconstruction, restoration, Imperial garage, garages Nicholas II
garages Nicholas II
Imperial garage