Scientific journal
European Student Scientific Journal
ISSN 2310-3094


Ryabochkina M.V. 1
Light industry of the Russian Federation is the most important many-profile and innovative attractive sector of the economy, providing strengthening defense, economic, social and intellectual security of the country, preserving its sta-tus of an independent and sovereign industrial power. The industry´s enterprises produce a wide range of consumer goods, technical, industrial and special purposes. Products of light industry has a steady demand and of high demand in many areas of life-human activities and has a direct impact on the healthy development of society. The basic consumers of production in the sector of goods of final demand are individual customers are, where they account for about 40 percent of production. The greatest specific weight in the product structure on the volume of produced products takes textile, sewing and fur industry by 75 percent, United together not only by kinds of economic activities, but also in a uniform technological chain. Moreover, the share of textile products is 45 percent. On garments and fur garments for 30 percent, products of leather and footwear production by about 25 percent.
innovative development
light industry