Botbaev M.T. 1
Kaziev M.T. 1
Sadyrbaeva A.S. 1
1 RSE on the RB "South-Kazakhstan State University named after M.AUEZOVA"
At a hydraulic rupture of layer (the method is developed approximately in 1948) oil or the water mixed with sand or other wedging filler, are pumped in layer with a high speed, causing layer cracking. The sand moving together with water through these cracks, causes their disclosure. It considerably increases the drained area round a well trunk, and also well productivity.
Hydraulic fracturing of layer was successfully applied on all types of geological layers, except very soft and untied. The plastic nature of soft slates and clays stirs them to hydraulic fracturing. Oil production increase as a result of hydraulic fracturing varies over a wide range though usually averages 200 — 300%. The much bigger increase can achieve if production is limited to low-permeable blocks round a well trunk. Thus such method can increase total oil recovery by 5 — 15%. So, hydraulic fracturing of layer allows to make favorable production of many wells and fields which differently couldn´t be economically justified.
Cracking happens in a trunk of the well caused by durability of breed on a gap and tension, the caused weight of overlying breeds when hydraulic pressure surpasses integrated resistance. The gap begins in a point, where the sum of these two forces the smallest. In the layers lying less deeply, usually there are horizontal gaps, and in the layers lying more deeply — vertical gaps.
The cracks which are forming at hydraulic fracturing, have to have disclosure, sufficient to apprehend a stream of the liquid loaded with the wedging filler. Break walls after processing seek to be closed therefore sand and some other wedging materials have to be late in it that it remained open.
hydraulic fracturing; oil recovery; oil recovery increase; metorozhdeniye; layer; horizontal drilling