Scientific journal
European Student Scientific Journal
ISSN 2310-3094


Alpatova A.A. 1
1 The North Caucasus Federal University
This article examines the question of children´s tourism , particularly in a summer camp . The classification of a summer holiday , noting that summer vacation depends on several factors , the most important of which is seasonal . As one of the options for summer recreation for children , the article discusses vacation on the Black Sea coast, where a high concentration of summer camps for children . As a basis for writing materials were taken article published on the website " All about tourism " : the article " Children´s rest on the Black Sea ", " Children´s rest in the Crimea" Gorchakov ´s KM, as the article "Vacation in children´s summer camp " Marchenko ´s TB In addition to the above article was also used the article " Russian market of children´s tourism " website Morozova MA , published on the website of business education in Russia " All-Russian information portal ."
summer vacation
children´s tourism
summer camp
summer camp