Kutzhanova A.N. 1
Kolesnikov A.S. 1
Turebekova A.M. 1
Otarbaev N.Sh. 1
Kalmenov M.U. 1
Abdikerimov B.A. 1
Alikulov A.S. 1
1 RSE on the RB "South-Kazakhstan State University named after M.AUEZOVA"
Kenkiyak multilayer field has a wide stratigraphic range potential. Oil deposits of industrial value of the Mesozoic sediments were opened in 1958 when conducting structural-prospecting drilling. In the well-To-17 inflow of oil oil was obtained from the middle Jurassic лагунно-continental deposits, and in the well-To-34 from continental deposits соркульской suites lower Triassic oil production amounted to 45.6 m3/day. A.L. Yanshin proved that the oil in the variegated deposits of the Permian-Triassic secondary, formed by the vertical migration of subsalt Paleozoic rocks.
methods of increase
development of паротепловое impact
Deposit «Kenkiyak»