Scientific journal
European Student Scientific Journal
ISSN 2310-3094


Druchevskaya I.A. 1
1 The Rostov state university of civil engineering
An image is one of the main controls, promoting increase of the organization functioning efficiency. In addition, it is an instrument of influence on public and individual consciousness, which requires constant monitoring. However, the image is not only a management tool, but also it’s the object of management. Therefore, starting from the moment of its formation, it is necessary to conduct purposeful permanent work on the image, while taking into account the peculiarities of each target group. This article proves the necessity of forming the image of the organization. The notion of "image" is investigated in the various interpretations of foreign and domestic scientists. The study analyzes the functions and types of the image of the organization, the influence of each of them. Special attention is paid to the peculiarities and stages of formation of the positive image.
Image of the organization
corporate image
corporate identity
Public Relation