Scientific journal
European Student Scientific Journal
ISSN 2310-3094


Sheremeta I.A. 1
1 Kharkiv National Medical University
The paper analyzes new mucolytic therapy methods in children with acute and chronic bronchopulmonary diseases. The choice of a mucoactive, expectorant drug must be determined by the individual peculiarities and age of a patient; the type, severity and specific features of bronchopulmonary pathology, the nature and magnitude of cough, and the nature and amount of discharged sputum, and the pharmacological properties of a prescribed agent. While curing children with infectious and inflammatory diseases of respiratory system, one should take into consideration anatomico-physiological peculiarities of their bronchopulmonary system, as well as particular state of the epithelial tissue and its function in formation of local immune response. There are available examples of clinical and experimental researches of usage such mucolytic medicine as acetylcysteine, ambroxol and karbotsisteina. Meta-analysis of conducted clinical researches showed the high level of safety and affectivity while using these medicines even on younger children. One should also take into account that usage mucolytic means should be combined with sufficient hydration of patient, humidification of respiratory pipes, inhalation and kinesiatrics therapy which would correspond patient’s status, including massage, postural drainage and respiratory gymnastics.
age of a patient
mucolytic therapy
bronchopulmonary diseases